

Fri, 12 Jul 2024


Africa's Blue Economy Summit

Ocean Innovation Africa is a platform that showcases African initiatives and brings together international entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, businesses and leaders that are working towards creating a positive impact on our Oceans. We believe that innovations led by science, technology and entrepreneurship will provide the necessary leverage points to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), at the right pace and scale. By addressing the issues of sustainable Oceans economy and Oceans conservation, our event seeks to find solutions linking up to almost all SDGs in addition to SDG14 ? Life Below Water.
Cape Town, South Africa
February, 20th - 22nd 2024
[email protected]

Fri, 12 Jul 2024


ESG (Environmental,Social,Governance) Africa Conference 2023

The ESG Africa conference aims to create a platform for industry leaders and experts across Africa to discuss,debate and find solutions to some of the common challenges faced in embedding ESG practies within organisations.The main theme of the conference is a 'Sustainable Future Through Leadership' highlighting the significant role leaders can and should play in ensuring their organisations better integrate ESG principles into their value system and overall organisational strategy.
Johanesburg, South Africa
October, 4th - 6th 2023
[email protected] [email protected]

Fri, 12 Jul 2024


Green Energy Africa Summit

This high-level gathering advocates for policy reforms and the harmonisation of Africa's natural resources, to help pave the way for a just energy transition to ensure Africa remains competitive and attractive to global finance. Held under the theme, ?Unlocking Africa?s Sustainable Energy Potential?, the Green Energy Africa Summit, will provide unrivalled opportunities through an active two-day programme for stakeholders across the energy value chain to collaborate, offer solutions and build partnerships to help unlock Africa's true socioeconomic potential.
Cape Town, South Africa
October, 10th ? 11th 2023
[email protected]

Fri, 12 Jul 2024


Southern African sustainable Energy Conference

The conference specifically focuses on research, development and deployment of methodologies, technologies and systems within the Southern African context related to sustainable energy (i.e. energy that can be replenished in the short-term, with no long-term environmental damage). The conference provides the opportunity for researchers, engineers, technologists and individuals to share and discuss recent developments in the field. It is a particularly good opportunity for postgraduate students to showcase their research progress, and to develop knowledge and networks in the field.
Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
November, 15th - 17th 2023
[email protected]

Fri, 12 Jul 2024


The Southern Africa Clean Energy Summit (SACES)

This is a gathering of policymakers, private sector leaders, industry principals and other change makers in the green energy sector. Energy stakeholders will also discuss how SADC can be a key player and contributor in achieving a green Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa
May, 5th ? 6th 2023
[email protected].